We started the year with our Gubernatorial Forum.  We had approximately 80-85 people there, many of whom would have never heard all the candidates except for that forum.  As women and Republicans, we have so much to offer and it is our responsibility to go into our communities and educate and fight for our principles.  We need to let people know what we stand for, speak with our own message and broadcast our Republican values.  The more there are of us the easier that job will be.

Every time we turn on the TV or pick up printed material, we hear and read about infrastructure.  We need to think about our own DCRW infrastructure: do we increase our membership, so there are more of us to work for our candidates and to raise funds to help our candidates?  Of course we should.  Let’s see if everyone can bring a visitor/new member to the March meeting.  Francis of Assisi said “First do what is necessary, then what is possible and before long you will be doing the impossible.”

March 6th is Caucus, so bring a friend/neighbor with you, run to be elected a Precinct Person or a Delegate or both.  Remember “First do what is necessary” and you are on your way to doing your part.

March 10-11 is the CFRW Board meeting at the Embassy Suites in the Tech Center.  If you can’t attend the entire meeting, please try to come to the Saturday evening dinner where the speaker will be Nick Adams, a young man from Australia who fought long and hard to be a citizen of our country.  He speaks with such passion you really shouldn’t miss him.  To make a reservation please call me; ladies, you can also bring your husbands.

– DCRW President, Barbara Piper