President’s Message February 2024

President’s Message February 2024

President's Messages
We are off to the races! It will be a busy campaign season as we get to know the many candidates running for Congressional District 4, the statewide races, and Douglas County seats. DCRW welcomes Republican candidates to speak to members at our monthly luncheon. It is a great way for members to hear about their platforms. Attendees at the monthly luncheon also can talk to candidates before or after the meeting, pickup their literature near the check in table, and donate to our Small Donor Committee (one $50 check per year, and/or cash under $20 as often as you wish). Keep an eye out for upcoming information for our CD4 Candidate Forum, scheduled for late March 27, 2024! If you haven’t forgotten, there are just a few days left…
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President’s Message January 2024

President’s Message January 2024

President's Messages
A new year brings new challenges for Republicans in Colorado.  We should accept these challenges opportunities to educate ourselves and our friends on the issues, and to support strong Republican candidates!  And our upcoming electoral races will certainly keep us busy! Your new Executive Board follows years of strong leadership from Barbara Piper and past presidents before her.  We thank them and prior Boards for their mentorship and dedication.  As your new DCRW President, I promise to learn what they teach, and to do this job with dignity and a commitment to our mission: elect Republicans and educate voters. In the coming months, we will do our best to offer engaging programs, a candidate forum, and fundraising opportunities.  At our luncheon meetings, you will hear updates from our elected officials…
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President’s Message November 2023

President’s Message November 2023

President's Messages
It’s hard to believe that this is our November meeting, the last meeting of 2023. Everything has an expiration date and I have reached mine with DCRW.  It was a fun ride, and I enjoyed every minute of it, even the bumpy spots! This is an ever-changing adventure, and the new board that we will elect this month will set us forth on a newer adventure with new leaders that we must all appreciate and work with. In life there are people who show up for us no matter what the cost, no matter how hard it gets. They are always there, and I am so incredibly grateful for the support I have received from all of you. As Ronald Reagan said, “I think it’s time we ask ourselves if we…
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President’s Message October 2023

President’s Message October 2023

President's Messages
Five days in Oklahoma City at the NFRW 42nd Biennial Convention/Board Meeting: some fun, some stressful times, but with a great outcome! Your CFRW and DCRW delegates spent their time learning from great speakers such as Tulsi Gabbard, Gordon Chang, and Riley Gaines, among others. New officers for 2024 and 2025 were elected, hailing from Arkansas, North Carolina, Texas, Illinois, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arizona.  Our own Region 3 Director, Karen Newton from Texas, was elected Second Vice President.  Our current president Eileen Sobjack is from Washington State, previous president Ann Schockett was from New York, and this time, newly elected Julie Harris is the first president elected from Arkansas. The 1300 plus women that were there from all four corners of this great country proved in the election of these…
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President’s Message September 2023

President's Messages
It is hard to believe that our summer recess is over, and it is time for our September meeting. Our program this month is presented by Ben Murrey from Independence Institute. Ben has an excellent power point presentation on the HH issue that will be voted on in November, and his program shows just how devastating this will be to each and every one of us if it passes.  Please bring your friends since it is imperative that everyone knows exactly what this is and that it is not as it is being presented. Our National Federation of Republican Women’s 42nd Biennial Convention is the end of September in Oklahoma City and there are some particularly important issues that will be voted on at that time!  We will get reports from…
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President’s Message May 2023

President’s Message May 2023

President's Messages
Our meeting features our Douglas County Sheriff Darren Weekly. He was to be our speaker last month to testify at the Capitol against another of the Democrat bills trying to further restrict our freedom. He and the other Sheriffs around the state and over 500o of our faithful conservative citizens testified, and they made a difference. THE DEMOCRATS LOST. CFRW had their Spring Board of Directors Meeting a couple of weeks ago. Much was accomplished and we have new goals in front of us to help move Colorado forward toward becoming a Red State again.
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President’s Message April 2023

President’s Message April 2023

President's Messages
The World is a messed-up place, and we must fight back.  As Madeleine Albright said, “Until [we are] carried out, [we] will carry on.”  Women’s voices matter and we must let ours be heard! Our cities are still experiencing a crime crisis thanks to Democrats who refuse to enforce the law.  Our speaker this month is our new Douglas County Sheriff, Darren Weekly who has Democrat Rep Bob Marshall from Highlands Ranch apparently legislating a vendetta against him. We must improve education, strengthen border security and fight crime – the seams of our great country are pulling apart.  The America to which we pledge our allegiance is worth fighting for – so let’s come together to save the country we love.
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President’s Message March 2023

President’s Message March 2023

President's Messages
Every year nationwide, over sixty-five thousand NFRW members roll up their sleeves and get involved in poll watching, election integrity work, and campaigning for Republican candidates to get them elected - and you as members of Douglas County Republican Women are part of that effort. Just because the November election is over this is not the time for Conservatives to fall behind in their efforts in the Centennial State. Our nation faces unprecedented challenges - from election integrity and censorship to surging crime, border security, and attacks on our liberty. Massive government overspending has fueled historic levels of inflation making it difficult for the average American to afford basic necessities like food and medications. Even though Coloradans know that radical Democrat policies are to blame for their wallets getting lighter, Jared Polis…
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President’s Message February 2023

President’s Message February 2023

President's Messages
Thanks to Mother Nature, this month brings the beginning of our DCRW year – and we are more resolved than ever to fight for our conservative values.  There is clearly a mountain of challenges that we face in the New Year of 2023. It is fitting that, at the dawn of a new year, we look to our first President, George Washington.  By God’s goodness to us at the birthing of a new nation, he knew that we would need someone who was honorable, sought Him in all things, and stood for righteousness’s sake. This was so important at that time, and it is so important to us now.  All of these foundations are so important to help steer us forward to our future. Some of our first President’s words:…
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President’s Message January 2023

President’s Message January 2023

President's Messages
Happy New Year! While the year has changed, we haven’t.  We are the same patriotic women willing to work tirelessly to support and elect those who share our Republican values. The Republican Party, and therefore Douglas County Republican Women, are committed to the values and ideals that are the true greatness of America. George Washington said, “Every post is honorable in which a man can serve his country.”  We have all served in an honorable post for our country and for Colorado, whether it was addressing envelopes, door knocking or holding an office.  This work is all-important, and all those hours and calls count!  The volunteer hours you have put in count, because at the 2023 Biennial Convention in Oklahoma City, NFRW will recognize outstanding clubs through the Achievement Awards…
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