Membership shall be open to any Republican wishing to uphold the basic policies of the Republican Party and the bylaws of this organization and upon payment of the annual dues.

Membership Classifications:
1) Regular Members: Republican women who may upon payment of current dues attend meetings, participate in discussions, introduce motions, vote, serve on committees, hold office and be counted for the purpose of determining a quorum. They may vote by mail at the direction of the Board of Directors.
2) Associate Members: Republican women who hold memberships in other Republican unit clubs. They may attend meetings and participate in discussions. They have no vote.
3) Republican Men: Men who are in accord with the objectives and policies of the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) and CFRW may hold an associate membership by payment of current associate dues to DCRW.

Annual Dues
a. Dues shall be payable October 1 and shall become delinquent November 30 of the same year at which time the member’s name shall be removed from the roster and mailing list.
b. Regular member’s annual dues will include membership in the unit, state, and national organizations to be paid to the DCRW Treasurer.
c. Associate women and men shall pay the annual local unit club dues to the DCRW Treasurer.
d. Dues paid by new members after September 1 shall be current through December 31 of the following year.

Click here to access the DCRW Membership Application. Please print, complete and return to DCRW by mail with your check; new membership status is pending until approved.