Our summer recess is over, and our September meeting is just around the corner. We will be electing a Nominating Committee at this meeting to put together a slate of officers to be presented at the October meeting and voted on by members at the November meeting.
If you missed the August picnic we hosted with The Lincoln Club of Colorado, you missed a great time. We had almost 200 men, women and children registered! You need to put it on your “must do” event list for next year. Also, please plan to sign up as a helper, as we could have used a few more hands.
Whether you were at the picnic or not, go to our DCRW Facebook page and view the photos taken as well as the great writeup we received in The Villager newspaper. Next time you see Scottie Iverson and Bob Sweeney, please say, “thank you” for the wonderful news coverage.
There is a lot going on: the National Federation of Republican Women Convention is the last week of September, our Colorado Federation of Republican Women Convention October 15-17th, plus Opt In/Opt Out, Redistricting, etc. Be sure you keep yourself informed on these issues, if you have a vote, know what the repercussions of your vote will be no matter how you vote. If you don’t have a vote, talk with those who do, ask them why they will be voting a certain way, ask them to explain to you if you don’t understand their reasoning. The only ‘dumb’ question is the one not asked.
Make your September luncheon reservation right away! We will hear from former Speaker of the House Frank McNulty at this meeting on the Opt In/Opt Out issue.
Remember, don’t stop pedaling. To keep our balance, we must keep moving forward!